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I was born in London's East End and grew up in Essex, where I still live.
I've been writing copiously all of my life, mostly for business marketing purposes. "SEAMLESS - Successful B2B Marketing, Selling, and Account Management", my first business book, is published by Business Expert Press (BEP) and is available directly from them or on Amazon.
I completed my first novella in October 2019. It's called UNPLANNED - a fictional story with fictional characters , but drawing on the experience of my decades of working - mostly for high-tech companies - in sales, marketing and business development roles. I later worked as a consultant, helping other companies to launch, sell and distribute their technology products and services. I helped them to develop and execute a strong brand and a highly focused marketing strategy - at least, that was the aim. For each client, it was about understanding and telling their brand story. So, I've taken the basic writing advice of "write about what you know"!
Each chapter of UNPLANNED has a rock music title and there is a Spotify playlist linked to the book. I enjoy rock, blues, jazz and pop music.
A generous aunt bought me my first vinyl album at the age of eight (I still have it) and my love of music has been a lifelong one. Completely devoid of any innate musical talent myself (despite a couple of guitaring attempts), my broad musical tastes continue to bring me pleasure, relaxation and inspiration for my writing, as in the case of SOUNDTRACKS.
SOUNDTRACKS is a collection of 12 music-inspired fictional short stories. It came about after I had planned out three possible ideas for a second novel. I decided that none of them would bear the weight of a full novel, but could make a short story. I enjoyed writing those, so added the rest. The collection presents a wide range of genres: Sci-Fi; Noir Thriller; Contemporary Fiction; Post-Covid-19-pandemic Drama, Character Study and Psychological Drama. It also comes with its own Spotify playlist of the pop, rock, jazz and blues tracks that inspired each story.
The Write All Along Short Story Collection speaks for itself! 16 stories to transport you to other minds, times and locations.
I Keep the Lights On ..... and other stories is an eclectic new collection of my short stories. It's like a "best of" from the books above.
I write for fun. I hope you find it to be exciting writing and get some enjoyment from reading what I have written.
Peter Bayley
PLEASE NOTE: You can buy any of the books in Kindle e-Book or paperback versions by clicking on the link on the "Published Books" page.
..... and about films (especially Film Noir and the Classics!) as Billfritz Wilderlang @highgallows, reflecting two of my longstanding preoccupations.
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